Youth & Adult


Junior Lutherans:

Third grade through confirmation age youth meet the third Wednesday at 5:00 pm in Fellowship Hall. They share a meal, and then have a business meeting and Bible study. On several occasions during the year, the Junior Lutherans have special activities such as bowling, skating or other exciting outings. Junior Lutherans also participate in and contribute to the Youth Groups’ fundraising activities. Junior Lutherans who desire to attend church camp during the summer receive financial assistance from the camping fund.

High School Youth:

The youth of the church who have been confirmed are members of this group. The High School Youth Group meets on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm in the Youth Room of the Office Building. They have a business meeting and Bible Study during the meal. Members of this group have the opportunity to attend the National Convention of ELCA Youth which is held every three years.

This group sponsors the Santa’s Workshop; and, together with the Junior Lutherans, sponsors the Mexican Pile-On church-wide fundraising activity.

Members of this organization who desire to attend church camp or Beach Camp in the summer receive financial assistance from the camping fund.

This group also participates in a traveling service project every year. They have gone to Galveston to help in a Soup Kitchen and a Youth Center for the underprivileged where they can interact with inner-city youth.

The High School Youth Group conducts two church services each year, one of which is the early service on Christmas Eve.

St. Paul Lutheran Church provides the youth of the church and their friends a place to relax and hang out.

Open on weekends and during the summer, the Youth Center is on the second floor of the office building. It is furnished with a TV, pool table, refrigerator stocked with drinks and snacks; board games, video games and movies.

Vacation Bible School:

Learning about Our Lord is for ALL SEASONS. As the doors of schools close at the end of the school year three churches, St. Paul Lutheran, First United Methodist and Art United Methodist, join together to host a summer Vacation Bible School. This event is open to the community and to all children of God. A Christ-centered learning center approach encourages children to experience God’s love through Bible stories, scripture, crafts, drama, science, music and games. Students and staff alike are blessed and are a blessing to others as they get to know Jesus and experience the joy of living daily in His presence.



Children’s Church:

St. Paul’s Children’s Church is an outreach program for the entire community. Services are held in the Auditorium in the Sunday School Building on the last Sunday of every month.

The Children’s Church mascot–Luther the Dog–welcomes the children as they gather downstairs in the Sunday School Building at 10:30 am for refreshments and singing. They move to the auditorium at 10:45 am for their Service. The High School Youth conduct the worship service using liturgy and scriptures that have been modified for children. The message is delivered by an individual from the community and may even be a puppet show.

The first time a child attends he or she receives a St. Paul Children’s Church T-shirt.

In addition to the regular monthly services there are several special events during the year: a swimming party before school starts, a carnival the last Sunday of October; and a Toy Garage Sale for the community at Christmas.

All children in the community are welcome at St. Paul’s Children’s Church.

If you need a ride, please call 347-6164 or 347-5145.


Women of the Church:

All women of St. Paul Lutheran Church are members of the WELCA.

These ladies are actively involved in the many facets of church life. They help feed the hungry both locally and worldwide. Their helping hands reach out to children and adults in many areas. Whether praying for people in need, teaching, feeding the hungry, raising money for their various projects, serving on committees, or reaching out to the community, they are always eager to serve their Lord however He asks.

The Morning Bible Study meets at 10:00 am on the first Tuesday of the month in various locations and homes.

The Evening Bible Study meets at 5:00 pm on the third Wednesday of the month in the Church Library.

WELCA participates in several national projects including World Hunger. Their local project is the youth camping program through which they financially assist the youth of St. Paul who attend church camps.

The Emergency Committee prepares and serves a meal for the families of deceased members is funded by WELCA and donations.

The Prayer Chain is an outreach program of the WELCA. Members volunteer to pray in response to requests made to the Prayer Chain coordinator.

St. Paul Lutheran Men in Mission:

(AKA — Get Off the Fence Guys)

The “Get Off the Fence Guys” are affiliated with Lutheran Men in Mission of the Evangelical Lutheran Church whose vision is “…for every man to have a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through an effective men’s ministry in every congregation. “We strive to accomplish this through three program initiatives: bringing men into Bible study, ministry with and for young men and producing events that will bring men into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.” (Building for the Future – LMM brochure)

Outreach ministry programs supported by the Get Off the Fence Guys include: Building for the Future–A three year $1.5 million campaign that seeks to strengthen Lutheran Men In Mission endowment and it’s outreach to men; Southwestern Texas Synod LMM – Century Club membership which currently provides grants to combat Child Hunger; and Hill Country LMM which historically has organized the annual Lutheran Fall Festival in Fredericksburg–a fundraiser for Cross Trails Camping Ministry.

Locally, the Get Off the Fence Guys host a monthly breakfast the third Tuesday of the month at St. Paul’s Fellowship Hall. Cooking teams rotate each month to provide good food, devotions, fellowship and prayer. Usually, 20 to 30 men attend, including our Christian brothers from other congregations. All are welcome. Breakfast serving begins at 7:00 am.

The Get Off the Fence Guys have teamed up with our Methodist brothers to help keep our highways clean through the TXDOT Adopt-A-Highway Volunteers Program. Several times a year the guys pick up the trash along State Highway 29 East from St. Paul to help keep our community looking beautiful.

Our Lutheran men are actively engaged in church clean-up, maintenance projects and capital improvements.We welcome requests to assist in church or community projects.