Special Events

Presentation of Bibles to Third Grade Students:


Each year the Church gives a Bible to every child that has entered the third grade in school. The purpose is to promote reading and study of the Scriptures by the young people.


Church Dinners:


  • Lenten Suppers: These suppers are held before each Lenten Service hosted by one of the committees of the church. Gathering together to share a meal and have fellowship with our church family assists us in preparing ourselves for the Lenten Service. Lenten suppers are open to the whole community. We invite and encourage everyone to join us!
  • Mexican Pile-On: Sponsored by the Youth Groups of the church to raise money to send the Junior High and High School age members to summer camp and for special projects like the Bell Choir Benefit, this event is held each year on the first Sunday of October with the meal provided by the Women of the Church.
  • Congregational Dinner: The Congregational Dinner is held in January prior to the Annual Meeting at which we elect Council members and adopt the budget.
  • Standing Committee Dinner: The Standing Committee Covered Dish Dinner is held in February prior to the selection of Standing Committee members.
  • Lutherans at Lunch
  • Valentine’s Lunch
  • Mother’s Day Luncheon
  • Father’s Day Fish Fry



The Youth of St. Paul Lutheran Church who are graduating from Junior High or High School are honored with a Breakfast in May.


Family Movie Night:


Family Movie Night is sponsored by the Young Adult Sunday School Class. Families can spend fun time together at the monthly Movie Night. The event is held in the Sunday School Auditorium. Free popcorn is provided! Call the Church Office at 347-5582 for date and time.




Each Christmas Season the congregation of St. Paul Lutheran Church re-enacts the story of the events of Christ’s birth. The Luminary is held in the City Park on a Sunday night in December. Members of the congregation design, create and set up the scenes. The youth and leaders of the church portray the Bible characters.